Yoalli Rodriguez Aguilera, Assistant Professor of Latin American and Latinx Studies and Anthropology at Lake Forest College, will discuss her work
Thursday, September 29 | 4:15 PM | Griffin 7
Rodrigues Aguilera was born and raised in Puebla, Mexico. Her work focuses on environmental racism, ecological grief, mestizaje, state violence, and anti/ de-colonial feminism in Latin America at the intersection between race, gender, environment, and affect.
She is currently working on her manuscript “Grieving Geographies, Mourning Waters: Race, Gender, and Environment on the Coast of Oaxaca, Mexico”, winner of the 2021 NWSA/ University of Illinois Press, First Book Prize. An ethnographical and geographical feminist work about an ecocide happening in the Chacahua-Pastoría Lagoons and the grief felt by ecological and human loss.