Wege Auditorium, Science Center
Saturday, November 5, 2016
9:00–9:30 am WELCOME
9:30–11:00 am SESSION I
Jennifer Jones, “From Nuyoricans to Afro-Mestizos: Making the Invisible Visible and the Importance of Afro-Latino Diasporas.”
Sebastián Pérez, “Aesthetics of the Get Down: New York Rican Photography at the Origins of Hip Hop.”
11:00–11:15 am BREAK
11:15–12:45 pm SESSION II
Omaris Z. Zamora, “Alright Ladies Now Let’s Get In (Trance)Formation: The Performativity & Production of AfroLatina Feminist Knowledge in Josefina Baez’s Levente No. Yolayorkdominicanyork, La Bella Chanel and Cardi B”
Petra Rivera-Rideau, “Introducing Enrique Iglesias, artista urbano”: (Re)Constructing (Afro)Latinidad in Latin Urban Music”
12:45–2:15 pm LUNCH BREAK
2:15–3:30 pm DIALOGO
Carlos Alamo-Pastrana and Ginetta Candelario, Past, Present, and Future of Afro-Latina/o Studies
3:30–3:45 pm BREAK
3:45–5:00 pm READING
Nelly Rosario, “Of RGB, DNA, and Other Codes: A Mixed Genre Reading”